Pattern: Drunkard’s Path Wedding Ring Variation
Drunkard’s Path Wedding Ring Variation
Finished Size 12″ x 12″
Download Templates Click here to download a .pdf with templates.
Cutting Instructions
Cream |
Black print
Sewing Curved Seams
Using marking pencil of choice, mark the center of both Template A and B pieces’ curved edges. Pin curved edges (right side to right side) together at the center and ends. Pin edges together easing in fullness. Stitch seam slowly; do not sew over pins, remove each one as it is approached. See Diagram I.
Diagram I
Assembly Instructions
Step 1. Referring to Sewing Curved Seams and Diagram II for template piece and color placement, make 16 pieced squares.
Diagram II
Step 2. Using Diagram III as a guide, layout pieced-squares paying close attention to design. Sew pieced-squares together to make rows; sew rows together to make Drunkard’s Path Block.
Diagram III
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