Make Banners of Hope & Peace from Fabric Scraps and Fibers
The prayer flag movement is here to stay. Join the growing number of fiber artists who have found an outlet for expressing their hopes, dreams, concerns, and joys by committing them to cloth.
In this eBook you’ll find a variety of ways that artists around the world have taken their passion for fabric and stitch in a new direction.
Contents of this eBook:
- Prayer Flags: A Personal Journey by Vivika Hansen DeNegre
- Prayer Flags: Spreading Hope and Peace One Flag at a Time by Jane LaFazio
- To Boston with Love – An interview with Berene Campbell by Vivika Hansen DeNegre
- Miniature Prayer Flags: A Group Project by Jenn Mason
- Fly Your Flag: Results from the Quilting Arts Reader Challenge
These small but meaningful flags have touched many hearts, and continue to spread hope and peace as they are given as gifts, shared on social media, and draped outdoors.
Highlights of this eBook include:
- Prayer flags are the perfect testing ground for new quilting techniques
- 32 pages filled with prayer flag designs and inspiration
- You can download this digital eBook anywhere, on your tablet, iPad, computer, and any other mobile device.
- All digital format makes it easy to access, let’s you zoom to get more detail, and never wears or tears.
Download your copy of Prayer Flags: Make Banners of Hope & Peace from Fabric Scraps and Fibers today!
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