In this issue, see artwork from the last reader’s challenge on artist trading cards. After all was said and done we counted an eye-popping 823 cards. Some were very elaborate with hand stitching and beading while others were embellished with rubberstamps, images, and found ojects. Some were pictures of new born children while others were loved ones who have since passed. Some explored darker or politcal themes, while other stitched reprentations of their beloved pets, favorite landscapes, or dpecited humouour images of themselves.
An artist trading card exchange levels the playing field. Whether a sophisticated fiber artist or a young child with a disability, artists are equally joyous to make and receive something that is so heartfelt, whimsical, and fun. The idea isn’t necessarily to create the best card with the best stitching, but rather to create and share a pocket-sized piece of fiber art that shets light on your creative soul. Enjoy!
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