Screen Printing Sampler: 4 Fun & Innovative Ways to Make Artful Cloth Video Download

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Screen printing is versatile, instant gratification! World-renowned surface design expert Jane Dunnewold demonstrates four temporary (or impermanent) methods for adding designs to a screen.


SKU: EP2017 Category:


Flour paste is easy and inexpensive and creates organic lines–crackles, words, and even drawings. Paper stencils are immediate and perfect for a short printing session or for printing single images. Water-soluble glue withstands several printings; it dissolves as you print, so every image is slightly different from the one printed just before it. Soy wax can be applied with a brush or a stencil–or even a tjanting tool. Once the printing is complete, hot water washes the wax away. Voilà! Your screen is clean and ready for the next print run.

Inexpensive and addicting, these screen-printing techniques are a must for the fiber-artist’s surface design toolbox.

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Quilting Arts


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